All bluesheet approvals should be received within 30 after the "initial" approval request has been mailed. 

If not all approvals are received in time, the request form will be cancelled:

History of comments on the form:

History of comments on this document:
Workflow User (DD, mm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM ) 
Comment: REJECTED! [ Not all approvals (requested by . . .) have been received within 30 days. ]
Approver(s): [email protected]; [email protected];

Approval Process Initiated by John Doe (DD, mm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM ) 


The Request can be re-submitted:

This solution is only available for the final approver and the initial approval requestor:

1) Open the form (in EDIT mode)

2) Select the "Submitted" status field

4) Save the Form

These actions will restart the approval cycle.