This article describes the structure of the SSAS_Nexa data cube. 

If you want to know more about SSAS data cubes you can read the article at the following link:

The diagram included in the attached .pdf file provides a description of the tables used in the model and of the relationships between them.

Blue boxes show the name of the fact table in the SSAS_Nexa data cube. The red boxes show the name of the BPW table used as data source. BPW tables are available on database BPW_Datamarts hosted on server. Dimension tables are indicated by grey boxes.

As example, let's consider the Call plans table

this table is built using view V_FactNexa_CallPlans on BPW_Datamarts as data source and it features 3 measures (Number of call plans, MTD actions, YTD actions).

The attached Excel spreadsheet contains the list of measures available with corresponding DAX code.