The Nexa project phase length analysis report is included in the IT All Kemin Power BI app and it is available at the following link:

The report is built using the SSAS_Nexa cube which features 6 new measures grouped in the folder [Phase Length]

The stacked bar chart on the Project Length  page displays a summary of all projects by their current phase and each project is classified as follows:

  • Blue: when a project stays in a specific phase for less than 90 days
  • Green: when a project stays in a specific phase for more than 90 days and less than 180 day
  • Violet: when a project stays in a specific phase for more than 180 to 365 days
  • Red: when a project stays in a specific phase for more than 365 days

The table on the lower section of the Project Length page displays the list of projects:

By clicking on the corresponding link, the project will be opened in Nexa. Nexa’s security restrictions will be obviously applied.

The pivot table on the Project Details page summarizes by phase length, main responsible, product group and item name.

The main table on the Indirect Projects page displays all projects with details on each phase; let’s consider, for instance, project ABe_0129

this is how it’ll we be displayed on the report: