Change Manufacturer to Supplier
I’m working on updating some SDSs and it looks like we have
a few raw material SDSs that we created for when we sent raw materials
(manufactured by AVT not Kemin) to tollers to make products for us. I noticed
Kemin Foods, L.C. was not listed in the “Supplier” drop down, so I added our
company information in (1st screen shot). But when I preview our SDS, the
Supplier section is blank and still shows “Manufacturer” (2nd screen shot). Any
idea on how I can get our company info added to an SDS as a “Supplier” rather
than “Manufacturer”?
Marty McCrady
Hi Marty.
On what document are you trying to print the Supplier? Some
documents do not print the Supplier information. You may need to do this in the
Address module, and I can send those instructions once I know what document it
Stephanie Reiger
I’m trying to print an SDS. It’s of one of our raw materials
that we must have sent to some tollers. We didn’t want to say we were the
manufacturer, so I added our info to the supplier field (1st screen shot). When
I went to generate an SDS, none of the info from the supplier field pulled over
to the SDS (2nd screen shot). Also, another thing that was weird is if I typed
“RM01279” into the raw material code field directly under the product code
field, it wouldn’t pull that number to the SDS either.
Marty McCrady
Hi Marty
The SDS US is not configured to print a Supplier. Any
information you put into the Supplier field will not print on this document.
The ‘Product code’ field will print, but the “Raw Material Code” field will not
print. Not all fields that you see in data windows are set up to print on all
You can, however, add a supplier by utilizing the Address
module. My example shows ‘test’ or ‘Distributor’, but the steps/instructions
are the same.
1. Go to Data – Modules.
2. Open the Addresses Module.
3. Click on the ‘New’ button.
4. You can add as much or as little detail as you’d
5. Save the window and name this entry.
6. Add this address override to the manufacturer by right-clicking on the manufacturer and choosing Open.
7. Add whatever document you want this to print on
and add the override under the Address Code and save the window.
If this approach doesn’t work for you, let me know and we
can look at other options. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Stephanie Reiger