Nexa Admins typically create new user profiles in Nexa.
Important: Before creating a new profile be sure to check that the user does not already have a Nexa profile. It is very possible that they have a profile that has been inactivated. The default view in the User Profile index only shows active profiles. To view inactive profiles choose the 'All Inactive Users' view from the index.
When an employee's name is not showing up in the 'User Profile Name' drop-down menu on the 'Create New User' form please check the following:
Has the employee started? A Nexa profile cannot be created before an employee's first day at Kemin. You must wait until after the employee has started at Kemin.
- You can check the People Directory on Kemisphere -
- iCIMS not updated/correct. Contact HR for the BU of the new employee and ask them to verify that the user is the Emp:Current Employee folder and NOT the Cand:Hire folder in iCIMS. Their profile must also be set up properly in the usual format (first initial last name). IT cannot make this change, only HR. Once iCIMS has been updated the employee should show up in Nexa the following day but it may take up to two days depending on when the change was made. Processes run overnight to pull the data into Nexa.
Active Directory. The employee must be set up in Active Directory before a profile can be created in Nexa.
- Help Desk: Verify that the spelling of the Employee Name and e-mail are correct in Active directory.
- Language/keyboard differences. Some regions use special characters for the user’s name such as é (example: Véronique Hébert-Lussier) and depending on keyboard/language settings you may not be able to type in the name. Use copy and paste from AD or another source to capture the format. Alternatively, you can search just using part of the employee’s name.
- Name Change. Has the employee recently changed their name? If the employee has changed their name it will need to be updated in AD (and any other relevant systems).
Admin: If the problem persists after taking these steps send an email to [email protected] and include any steps you have taken above and the results.
Help Desk: If the problem persists after taking these steps, capture any error messages pertinent details, document any troubleshooting steps in the ticket, and escalate to Tier III.