Link to this procedure slide in the VAULT:
Remember to do STEP 1: 3.Change status from 'Draft' to 'Send to PTP Editorial Reviewer' to start workflow...
Click here to go to the app to follow-up on the approvals.
How to search for PTP and related tasks:
- Enter the PTP number (only the number) in the Search field
- Press the down arrow to load information.
Current open task(s) are highlighted in yellow- no highlight shows completed tasks.
- 1) If you are the assigned reviewer and highlighted in yellow,
you can select the right arrow to access your open task. -
In the open task, select 'Edit Item' in the top left corner of page.
- 1) If you are the assigned reviewer and highlighted in yellow,
Then you can see the Approved or Rejected buttons, to complete your task.