Sales records are filtered from the  SSAS Sales cube (SSAS_KMN) anytime the following conditions are met:

 For all divisions:

· If the customer order type is F00, RF0, RNA, F20

· If the Item Number begins with 90, X, 016526, 016527, Y-FREIGHT, 780600, 780610, 780601, 780602, RM780600, RM780630, RM780631, 780650, 780660, 780800

· If the Item Class Number is 800 or 'XYZ'

· If the salesperson code is S000

· If there is no invoice number

· If the customer number begin with 0, A0550160, N0540002, N0550050, F00103970, F00104232, A0310233

- If the customer order type is equal to 'F00', 'RF0', 'RNA' , 'F20', F22'

· If the item number is 016686-21-US and the customer number is A3774753

· If the Origin value is not 0, 1, 2, or 8

· If the company number is not 1

- if the item number is in following list: '016526', N'016527', 'Y-FREIGHT', N'780600', N'780610','780601', '780602', '780620', 'RM780600', 'RM780630', 'RM780631', '780650', '780660', '780680', '780700' ) AND (NOT (s.[Item number] LIKE '90%' OR s.[Item number] LIKE 'X%'

 - if the customer order number is '0001810572' or '0001810576'

For specific Divisions:

· If the division is SAG, SAA, SND, SFI, SNU, SND, STA, SNN and the customer order type is F00,  RF0, RNA, RF7, F07, F19

· If the division is ZAG and the customer order type is F06

· If the division is ETA and invoice number is '20010178', '20099005', '220990007'

· If the division is SND and the customer order type is SB7

· If the division is ZTA and the customer order type is F06 or RAD

- If division is ZFT and salesperson='9999'

- If the division is not 'ACO', 'NCA', 'HLC','CON'

· If the division is EAE and the year is 2012

· If the division is CON and the salesperson code starts with J

· If the division is NFI and the invoice number is 118230 or 118238

- If the division is EFT and the customer number is 'F0390114'