Most often, Kemin users are connected either inside a Kemin facility or via a VPN connection to a Kemin office. In both of those scenarios, changing your Active Directory (network) password is fairly simple and straight forward.
The self-service portal can be used on any workstation connected to the Kemin Network.
Web Portal for Active Directory Password changes
The Web Portal to navigate to for Active Directory passwords is accessed by going to the URL as follows:
You will see the following upon successful navigation to the portal.
You can proceed with typing in your username following the format that is indicated on the portal, followed by your current network password. Then, move down to the “New Password” line and type in a new password, tab down and retype the new password. Once you have done that, click on Submit to submit the changes. The following screenshot shows an example of how the username would look and the passwords being filled in look.
Once you have clicked on Submit and have successfully changed your password, that will be indicated via a Red message on the screen and a button to click “OK”. Upon clicking OK, your page will be closed and your password has now been changed.
Passphrase Requirements
Passphrases will be required to be a minimum of 16 characters long.
The new passphrase cannot match any of your previous 4 passwords.
Passphrase Tips and Examples
• Don’t use sequential letters or numbers – Ex. 12345, abcde.
• Don’t use repeated letters, words, numbers, or keyboard patterns – Ex. 1111, aaaa, passwordpassword , qwerty, asdfgh.
• Don’t use the same passphrase for every site.
• Don’t use the word Kemin.
• Don’t use your name or user name.
• Consider using spaces between words instead of running them together.
• Consider using misspellings or slang words – Ex. pword instead of password, bday instead of birthday.
• Consider using a long and complex passphrase by using capitalization, punctuation, and numbers.
• Make it easy for you to remember by using song lyrics or movie quotes.
The password must be different from the previous 5 passwords.
Once a new password is set, it cannot be changed within the next 30 days.